ASSD Web Check-In with Mobile Key

Foto Web Check-In at Schulz Hotels Berlin
ASSD Web Check-In with Mobile Key

Web Check-In with mobile key means your guest has already checked in before arrival and has generated his room key onto his mobile phone. A fantastic additional service for the guest as he can enter the ho(s)tel just like his own home, avoiding queues and waiting times at the reception.

During the online check-in process the guest is uploading the registration form with all necessary data and goes through the payment process. Here, the ho(s)tel has a great upselling opportunity offering breakfast or activities or something similar.

If the booking has successfully been paid for, the guest receives his mobile key shortly before arrival. So he knows his room number, can use the elevator and has got everything that is needed for an easy arrival.

There are advantages not only for the guest but also for the hostel as the web check-in for instance reduces the workload at the front office. Reception staff can then deal with other tasks and duties and the entire staffing can be done differently.

Please do not hesitate to check out what the ASSD Web Check-In can do for you and your ho(s)tel – info[at]