Flexipass Partnership

Flexipass und ASSD

We are very happy and proud about our partnership with Flexipass Keyless Technologies.

The ASSD Web Check-In together with a Mobile Key works perfectly at e.g. the Schulz Hotels Berlin and the Orange Village Hostel in San Francisco. Both, by the way, very cool ho(s)tels in very cool destinations.

Thanks to the ASSD Web Check-In, the guest checks in online before arrival. Thus, all required guest data will be recorded, the registration form will be filled in online, extra services can be sold, the full payment process including invoice via email will be transacted.

The special plus for the guest: thanks to the mobile key, which he/she receives on his/her mobile after the web check-in, he/she does not have to see the reception, but can directly enter the ho(s)tel room upon arrival.

This keyless entry via mobile key is enabled through the technology by Flexipass. Thanks a lot for our great cooperation!

Find more information on the Flexipass Keyless Technologies here: https://flexipass.tech/