The Cash Register Security Ordinance (KassenSichV), which has been in force since January 1 2020, stipulates that cash registers must be equipped with a TSE, a technical security device to protect against manipulation.
From summer 2024, ASSD will offer the ASSD Cloud TSE in addition to the existing solution with the certified TSE device from Epson.
- Significantly better speed (no self-tests and backups that hold up operation for many minutes)
- No more hardware problems
- VPN no longer required
- Complete support and installation by ASSD
- No set-up costs
- No additional hardware such as TSE server
- 10 euros per till and month
Order deadline:
- 31.05.2024
In order to guarantee you access to the ASSD Cloud TSE in 2024, please register your order directly with Andreas Stolz by the end of May : a.stolz[at]